Our Projects

Mosaic Myanmar is deeply engaged in fostering social integration among religious and ethnic minorities, and our focus is not confined solely to minority groups. We extend our efforts to include majority groups that might not have had exposure to experiences or learning about federalism and diversity within Myanmar. Through our programs, we have established a nurturing environment, where everyone feels secure and at ease to express themselves fully, engaging in all activities. Our objective revolves around uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds across Myanmar, instilling a sense of unity while collaborating harmoniously toward shared objectives. Furthermore, our endeavors encompass a vital aspect—enabling individuals to comprehend that strength lies in embracing diversity. We strive to create an atmosphere where people can not only assert their own rights but also stand up against discrimination faced by others. By advocating the merits of social cohesion through our programs, we empower individuals to develop a comprehensive grasp of the concept and how various stakeholders can collaboratively establish a robust and enduring foundation for social unity at the grassroots level.


Mapping of Unofficial Minorities Challenges

Research Project

Diversity Management Workshop

Public Talk

Intercultural Learning Program

Community-Based Federalism and Gender Equality Training

Better Together Better Myanmar (Pluralism Effort)